current tatus: tired but still trying
RM 6.00
when you choose yourself, everything around you will choose you
time reveals unexpected surprise, just wait with patience
believe time change everything
may flower grows in the saddest part of you
有些事是先相信 才有機會出現的
天亮前的那一刻總是最漆黑 撐過去 陽光就會很耀眼
好起來的從來都不是生活 而是你自己
心裡存夢想 動力就會慢慢萌芽
不要提前焦慮 生活不過是見招拆招
stay hydarates
one day or day one
what's coming will come
take the risk or lose the chance
either people come to give you a lesson or a regret
everyday begins with expectation and ends with an experience ♡!
thank you for... loving me on my bad day ♡
take time to do what makes you HAPPY :)
Time take us where we need to go
never ever lose yourself for anyone
Trust intuition
the wait will be WORTH IT
you can't pour from an empty cup take care of yourself first
who you are becoming is more important than who you've been
trust the timing of your life
Wherever you go Go with all your heart
live more worry less
You are magic
You are your only limit
Your future needs you Your past doesn't
You didn't go through all that for nothing
Do good It will come back to you in an unexpected way
All we have is now
Own your own story
I never met a sunset I didn't like
Destroy what destroy you
Be you The world will adjust
Be water
Life is a journey not a destination
La vie est bella
RM 13.00
nothing changes if nothing changes
it's okay to slow down
be a voice not an echo
hope grows everywhere
do whatever be weird it's OK!
be proud of how hard you are trying
change for yourself not others